Redbike is a local spinning studio located in the heart of Brickell. The company’s mission is to create a community embodying the brand’s notion of a high energy, full-body, party-on-a-bike.

The Challenge

Analyze the company's existing online presence and propose a solution based on the users needs to improve the e-commerce experience.
Project Details
4 Day Sprint
User Research
User Experience Design

Industry Research

Creating a competitor feature analysis provided a clear picture of the current state of Redbike Studio’s website as well as where they stand in the market. I focused on indoor-cycling studios, as opposed to including gyms that offer spin classes, to get a more accurate comparison. The competitor feature analysis highlighted industry standards that Redbike's current website fails to meet.
Through this analysis, it was evident that Redbike values a sense of community - it's even a part of their mission statement. Whereas most of the competitors highly emphasize the individual rider and elude a sense of competitiveness. This guided my premise for Redbike's blue ocean. If Redbike can achieve a website that boasts their sense of community as well as some an innovative feel, they will be favorably position within the market.

User Research

To gather qualitative data, I went straight to the source. Within the studio, I was able to conduct 5interviews with active Redbike members, and an additional 2 interviews from Redbike employees.
Notable Interview Quotes
“The website doesn’t show the classes I have scheduled for the week. If I need to cancel a class, I have to call the studio to avoid being charged a no-show fee.”
Anonymous Redbike Member
“I’ll cheat on my wife but I won’t cheat on Kelly (instructor).”
ANONYMOUS Redbike Member
“Redbike feels like a community, unlike other studios that are too corporate. The employees here know all the returning customer’s names.”
Anonymous Redbike Member
“Redbike is rhythm based, it’s a party on a bike.”
Anonymous Instructor
“Redbike is cheaper than any other studio.”
Anonymous Redbike Member
Then organizing an affinity map with the 4 categories - demographics, habits, gains and pains - I synthesized the responses and categorized the data accordingly. The purpose of doing so is to identify recurring data in order to later create a user persona which effectively represents the majority of the users and target audience.

Defining Redbike's Primary Users

From the synthesized research data the user persona, Vibrant Victoria, was born. Victoria is intended to represents the majority of Redbike Studio's current customers. Creating a journey map afforded me the ability to truly empathize with the user's process with Redbike. Victoria's journey map highlights her different touch points with the company, from discovery all the way through completion of the class.
The pain points highlighted along her journey include her frustration finding desired content on the website, and inability to manage her upcoming classes. This also serves to offer insight on potential opportunities for design, which I found to be improving the website’s taxonomy and an opportunity to implement a user profile.
To further empathize with the users, I decided to evaluate the site in-depth particularly focusing on the identified main pain points. I first created a site map to understand the information architecture of the website.
Main Use Scenario
Vibrant Victoria’s meeting at work will end up lasting several more hours than she anticipated. She needs to reschedule her upcoming spin class that was scheduled to start in 30 minutes, but she cannot leave the meeting to call Redbike to move her reservation. What does she do?
Problem Statement
Based on the research, Redbike members experience difficulty keeping track of their individual class schedules, adjusting reservations, and communicating their studio preferences. This results in high bounce rates, profit loss (missed classes=unassigned bikes that could have been otherwise reserved), and extensive time to complete basic tasks.


Creating How Might We questions based on the main case scenario helped to guide the ideation process.
How might we design a user profile for existing users that helps them conveniently manage their membership at Redbike when no current system exists?
Impact Versus Effort
The Moscow Chart provides value as you analyze each potential feature to be included in the product. The purpose of this chart is to weigh how much value each feature would provide the user compared to the impact it would have on the business. As a result you uncover the Minimum Viable Product
Ideation 2
User Flow
The user flow showcased the user’s happy path, or ideal path supposing no errors are incurred, to achieve the main scenario end goal.

Prototype and Testing

Low-Fidelity Concept Sketches
Based on the MVP, I then developed the first iteration of the product in a low-fidelity sketch.
Usability Testing
To evaluate the experience of rescheduling of reservation, I tested the low-fidelity prototype of a user profile for Redbike’s e-commerce website. It's essential to observe the testers closely as they test your product, as well as to have them speak through their process. The user's commentary in conjunction with statistical results of the 10 usability tests provided valuable feedback as to where the product required adjustments.
I identified a user pain points associated with the user profile page. Users expressed confusion when navigating from the profile page to edit their upcoming class. This page alone incurred a 13% bounce rate, 50% mis-click rate, and users spent on average 27.5 seconds on the user profile page. As a point of reference, the page with the second most time spent was the sign in page with an average of 6 seconds.
Mid-Fidelity Prototype
From the usability data, I understood the user profile required heuristic adjustments. Either adding labels to actionable icons or using more universally recognized icons would both provide a sound resolution. I incorporated this in the mid-fidelity prototype.

Success Metrics

Decreased Bounce Rate
Decreased Time Spent on Task
Increased of Task Completions Metrics
Increased Sales


Although a number of potential improvements were identified within the current site, the user profile solution proved to add the most value to the existing Redbike customers and the business alike.